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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Computer nanochips

Nanomaterials have superlative properties. Quantized effects are predominant in nanomaterials. Carbon nanotubes are a classic example for nanomaterials. They possess superlative tensile strength and elastic modulus. This enormous strength is due to the covalent bonding of carbon atoms. Surface effects also are very important for nanomaterials since surface consumes a major portion of the material. We have to apply wave interference effects and quantum mechanical selection rules for nanomaterials. Microelectronics industry is very much looking forward towards nanotechnology. The major goals pending before microelectronics researchers are reducing the size of the microprocessor using nanocrystalline starting materials or substrates, substrate materials free from impurities with nanodimension, nanomaterials with superlative thermal properties and longer life span materials.

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